aShell is my Android app for secure editing of Android system and application databases on rooted and databases on sdcard on unrootet phones using aSQLiteManager.
If you find aShell and aSQLiteManager of use consider buying the donate version of aSQLiteManager. This has build in support for editing system databases on rooted devices. If you do that you support the development of aSQLiteManager and will be among the first to get the new features. You find donate version here
7 april 2013 - Now downloaded more than 25,000 times.
24 march 2013 - Version 4.0 of aSQLiteManager released on Google Play as the donate version. If you buy this version you can edit system databases without aShell.
14 march 2013 - Version 1.1 of the aShell is released on Google Play Bug release.
3 march 2013 - Version 1.0 of the aShell is released on Google Play This version of aShell is completely rewritten
The programme is still under development so please expect some bugs. If you experience unexpected behaveior or have sugestions for new functionality don't hisitate to contact me by mail.
Some users want the root access to be included in aSQLiteManager. That wont happen before aShell reach production stability.
To make editing as secure as possible the database is copied to temporary location (/mnt/sdcard/aSQLiteManager) together with a backup copy of the database (with a bck extension) and edited there. If you, after editing want to commit the changes you made the edited database can be copied to its original location replacing the orriginal data. If the editing later shows to have unwanted effects the backup copy can be restored (currently not with aShell but I'm working on that) bringing the phone back to the condition before editing the database. The editing is done using aSQLiteManager.
If you find aShell and aSQLiteManager of use consider buying the donate version of aSQLiteManager. If you do that you support the development of aSQLiteManager and will be among the first to get the new features. You find donate version here
The first version was released on Android Market on July 12 2011.
Currently aShell is translated to English and Danish (other translations are welcome).
The following screen dumps shows what is possible with the aShell. Click on a image to see it in full size.
The following functionality has been implemented in the aShell (with indication of from which version the functionality was introduced):
Any wishes for coming versions of aShell? Drop me a mail!